Happy Fourth of July!!

july1 Here we are again, with another great Bilingual Blog Hop full of wonderful products just for you and your students.

I am sure you enjoyed our 5 de Mayo Blog Hop, well we are now recharged and new awesome teachers have become part of this group.

Be sure to visit all the blogs and get your freebies, they will be very useful the next school year. As we are celebrating the 4th of July we can feel the freedom and enjoy our vacations, but remember it is never too early to start collecting resources for the fall, school will be back very soon.

Thanks for being part of this!

My gift for you is a small part of my Vocales y Sonidos Iniciales. Students can identify words that begin with certain vowel. It includes worksheets and flashcards to use in a center.

Click on any of the images to download it. And don’t forget to visit the next blog!! Maestra Escamilla

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Now hop to the next blog and find wonderful ideas and a freebie!

Click on the image to visit Maestra Escamilla’s blog. 4th next          Here’s a list of all the participating blogs  An InLinkz Link-up

Start your own TpT store

I started my TpT store a few years ago, but haven’t really put a lot of effort on it. Shame on me!

I signed as a Premium Seller almost a year ago and I have seen the rewards it brings. I spend a lot of money buying things from awesome sellers, so now that I am making money from my products I don’t feel super bad fro spending that much.

I am in the process of improving myself, my products and taking my TpT store more seriously. I read a post by Erica Bohrer and it has helped me to better understand what I need to do. It’s a must read if you want to get started on TpT. Here’s the link: http://ericabohrer.blogspot.mx/2014/02/getting-started-on-tpt.html

It’s a win win situation. I encourage you to start right now and you can later encourage your friends.

As bilingual educators we need more bilingual authors and sharing our products on TpT is the best way to build a stronger bilingual community.

If you decide to do it, please use this referral link: (click on the image)



Saying goodbye

Saying goodbye is never easy.

I have been working for almost 8 years at the same school. I have seen several administrators coming and leaving, many teachers, and a lot of kiddos.

I am saying goodbye to my coworkers, GREAT FRIENDS, my students, my beautiful school and the city where I lived for several years.

I can’t help but cry, yes I am happy and excited for the new things that may come, but I am also sad because I don’t know when I am going to say hello to my JISD friends again.

Here are two quotes that resume how I feel right now.

How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard. ~Carol Sobieski and Thomas Meehan, Annie

Why can’t we get all the people together in the world that we really like and then just stay together? I guess that wouldn’t work. Someone would leave. Someone always leaves. Then we would have to say good-bye. I hate good-byes. I know what I need. I need more hellos. ~Charles M. Schulz

And here’s how 5 years of teaching looks like. I still have some more things in the classroom that I need to bring home.


Do you already have plans for the summer?

Preparándome para el próximo ciclo escolar

Así es, aún no termina este ciclo y yo ya estoy pensando en el que vendrá.

Lo peor del caso es que aún no sé en que escuela o que grado estaré enseñando, tal vez mañana me tengan noticias.

Aún así nunca es demasiado temprano para empezar a organizarte y crear cositas.

Aquí les dejo unos pósters de figuras geométricas y colores que he creado hoy. Espero les gusten y sean de utilidad, si quisieran personalizarlos con el borde de otro color, ¡no  duden en preguntar!




Quiero agradecer a las personas que formaron parte del Bilingual Blog Hop, así como a los que participaron en la venta especial de TpT.

Gracias a los nuevos seguidores y muchas gracias por los comentarios sobre mis productos.

Ha sido una semana llena de satisfacciones y llena de pequeños detalles de mis alumnos.

Sus flores y cartas me hacen sentir apreciada de verdad.

¡Mañana es viernes! Les deseo un feliz fin de semana y feliz Día de las Madres.



Blog Hop

Estoy muy emocionada de participar en este Blog Hop, le agradezco a Nancy Alvarez la invitación.

Después de visitar mi blog y descargar el documento «salten» al blog de la Maestra Escamilla que les va a encantar.


No tengo mucho tiempo en TpT, pero uno de los productos que más he vendido es Corrige las Oraciones, tengo 3 juegos con distintas oraciones y he decido regalar el último que he creado.

Yo lo uso en el salón con aquellos niños que terminan sus trabajos rápido, a veces lo tomo como calificación o bien lo puedo mandar de tarea para que practiquen en casa.

Espero que sea de su agrado y les sea útil en su salón de clases.

Visiten los demás blogs, sé que les van a encantar y encontrarán muchas cosas útiles.

¡Gracias por su visita!

Den click a la fotografía para ir a mi tienda de TpT y descargar el archivo gratis.


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Aún hay más…

Visita el blog de la Maestra Escamilla  en donde encontrarás excelentes recursos.
